Visible Strategy

Using the web to propell your business to visibility

Archive for the category “webs”

Using the dashboard on webs

This is kind of part two to the most recent post: I mentioned that you can create a website for free and now I want to provide a few images of what that looks like.

You create and make changes to your website through using a dashboard. This allows you to choose templates, then to say how many pages you want, and what goes in each page. You can change anything the moment you create it, so just jump in!

Here is what the dashboard looks like:

Just push and play with the buttons… It is all very “intuitive”, which means that what you are looking to do should become obvious when you search a little. For instance, what if you don’t like your template? Just do to modify template, on the top toolbar …. See it? And choose something else, apply it. If you hate it, go back to choose something else. That simple.

Add pages, new pages. Modify the name on of your pages. It is all do-able in about 30 minutes. Call me if you have a problem! Well, no I guess you can’t do that, but you can put a question in the blog here. And I will address it next time. I will be doing some webinars on all this next month, so stay tuned for those.

You don’t have to be marketing minded to make yourself visible to people who need you!

Be visible!

Visionary thinker

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